Information to help your church build an effective prison ministry

Site Contents

What's PrisonNet?

Bible Study Curriculum Overview

Living in God's Kingdom
Christian Growth
Being Part of
the Church


About PrisonNet

Does your church have an active prison ministry? Would you like to start one? The resources listed below will help you build an effective ministry that results in changed lives! The materials, contacts, and "lessons learned" listed below are things we wish we knew when we started our prison ministry program over 25 years ago. But most of them didn't even exist then ... so we had to invent our program as we went along.

Want to help?

We believe in information sharing! If you have suggestions for any additional materials you think would be helpful to new or existing prison ministry groups, please send them to

Information can include regularly scheduled or special events, support group meetings, etc. Include as many specifics as possible, including contact names and phone numbers -- and don't forget your email address.

If you would like to be an active participant in PrisonNet (reviewing resource materials, recruiting new participants in your area, etc.), include a brief summary of your prison ministry background and how you'd like to help.

Want to keep in touch?

If you would like to be notified by email of significant updates to this Web page, send a message to with the word "subscribe" in the subject line and your full name in the message body.

If you want to unsubscribe at any time, send a message to the same address with the word "unsubscribe" in the subject line.

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We promise that names and email addresses sent to PrisonNet will not be given to any other organizations or used for any other purpose than keeping you informed of prison ministry activities in which you have expressed interest.

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What's PrisonNet?

Site Contents

© PrisonNet 1999 - 2001

Updated 05-Jun-2012